
The subject of the Association

Work with youth on a professional basis

And for this, there is WE

The purpose of the Association

Consolidation of specialists in working with youth to support and coordinate their activities by creating conditions for the development of professional competence and increasing the prestige of work and affirming the social status of specialists in working with youth, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the members of the Association

And for this we have a PLAN


  • Information and scientific-methodical support of work with youth
  • Identification, presentation and generalization of best practices and innovative technologies, methods and forms of work in the implementation of youth policy
  • Exchange of effective practices, innovative, formal and informal forms and methods of working with youth through participation in research activities, study visits, conferences, seminars, etc.
  • Establishing contacts and links with public, enlightening, educational, cultural institutions and public organizations and associations
  • Development of the partnership and establishment of perspective cooperation between subjects of the state youth policy which are carrying out the activity in the sphere of work with youth
  • Promoting of activity of specialists with youth, effectively and productively carrying out the professional activity
  • Formation of network community of specialists in working with youth
  • Development of international cooperation by facilitating participation in international projects and professional mobility of youth workers

Услуги хостинга
